AALO, 6 Mar: The Daporijo-Aalo 132 kv transmission will be put on a weeklong shutdown by the Pasighat (East Siang) transmission division from 9 to 12 March, and from 16 to 19 March from 8 am to 4:30 pm.
The transmission will be shut down for carrying out clearance of vegetation along the corridor of the transmission line and associated annual maintenance of the transmission line, as the transmission line passes through tough terrain with thick forests.
The shutdown will affect the grid power supply during the daytime to the downstream districts of Leparada, Lower Siang, West Siang, Shi-Yomi, Siang, Lower Dibang Valley, Namsai, Lohit and some parts of Changlang district.
The power division has appealed to the consumers to bear with the inconvenience during said periods, adding that the department would make every effort to restore the line as early as possible. (DIPRO)