DC inspects under construction PMGSY roads

DAPORIJO, 10 Mar:  Upper Subansiri Deputy Commissioner Mika Nyori on Wednesday inspected three under construction roads under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) within Daporijo circle.

Nyori inspected roads from the Sippi BRTF road to Marbom (10.52 km), the BRTF road to Sikom village (17.10 km) and the BRTF road to Yekar village (Stage-II) (15 km). The DC verified the road specifications, including the thickness of black-topping of the roads.

He instructed the DPIU-II to complete all the packages undertaken by it within the time frame.

Nyori also said that he will visit all other under construction PMGSY roads in the district to get firsthand knowledge about the progress and quality of roads. (DIPRO)