World Shakespeare Day, Book Day celebrated

JOLLANG, 23 Apr: The literary club of Don Bosco College (DBC) here celebrated World Shakespeare Day on 23 April.

The club members read out excerpts from William Shakespeare’s famous plays and sonnets, while DBC principal Fr Jose Karamullil made a presentation on the places and monuments related to William Shakespeare.

The college’s English department assistant professor Luhish Lushai deliberated on the “contribution and influence of Shakespeare in literature.”

Meanwhile, the book club of DBC observed World Book and Copyright Day on Friday.

Assistant sociology professor Dr Tailyang Sirah and college librarian Sur Chandra Singha deliberated on ‘the meaning and usage of copyright’, while Fr Karamullil exhorted the students to read good books whenever they can, in the college as well as their homes.

The programme was organized by the book club in collaboration with the research wing of the college.