Paid quarantine, Covid care centre to reopen

ITANAGAR, 28 Apr: The District Magistrate-cum-DDMA Itanagar Capital Region (ICR) chairman, Talo Potom has on Wednesday issued an order as per which two private hotels in the ICR have been requisitioned as paid quarantine centers/Covid care centers (CCCs).

“In view of the prevailing Covid-19 situation arising out of the second wave of Covid-19 and as requested by the ICR DMO, Hotel Rajhans, Barapani in Naharlagun and Hotel Blue Pine in  Itanagar are hereby requisitioned under Section 65 (B) of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 as paid quarantine center/CCC,” the order read.

In a similar order issued the same day, the DM cum DDMA chairman also directed the DMO capital region to re-operationalize the CCC at Lekhi with adequate MOs/ staffs with immediate effect.