DC, SP take stock of vaccination centres

ITANAGAR, 11 May: Itanagar Capital Region (ICR) DC Talo Potom along with SP Jimmy Chiram and DMO Dr M Perme visited various vaccination centres in the ICR on Tuesday to take stock of the issues concerning the vaccination centres.

Later, speaking to the press, the DC appealed to the people to maintain social distancing at vaccination centres.

“In many centres it is observed that people do not follow the SOP, which is a matter of serious concern. Please follow the advice of health workers and experts,” said Potom.

The DC appealed to the people to come forward for tests if they exhibit any kind of symptoms of Covid-19.

“No one should hide but get tested if they show symptoms. By testing, they will not only save their own lives but also that of their families,” said Potom.

Regarding the allegation of Covid patients being charged heavily at Covid care centres (CCC), the DC said the rates are very minimal.

“We have reduced the room charge. The catering service has been outsourced and rates are fixed by them,” said Potom.

The SP on his part thanked the people of the ICR for strictly following the lockdown measures.

“The public support has been good in the lockdown. We are very happy with it. We have set up 29 nakas across the ICR and patrolling teams are conducting regular patrolling. Also, forces have been posted at TRIHMS and RKMH,” he said.

The SP also made it clear that those going for vaccination will not face any trouble.

“People above 45 who have registered in CoWIN portal can show it to the police at the nakas and go to the vaccination centre,” the SP said.