Rains, batching plants’ breakdown delayed underpass work: PWD highway

ITANAGAR, 31 Aug: The PWD highway chief engineer on Tuesday informed that the Bank Tinali underpass work could not be completed by 31 August as targeted, despite all efforts and focused attention, due to “constant rains and breakdown of batching plants of contractor M/s TK Engineering Consortium Pvt Ltd.”

The official completion date for Package A of the four-lane NH 415 from Chandranagar to Papu Nallah is 20 September, as per the extension of time approved by the ministry of road, transport & highways. However, the PWD highway had earlier set a target of completing the Bank Tinali underpass by 31 August.

“The remaining work of the underpass consists of crash barrier, pavement and road furniture,” the CE said in a press communiqué.

“With a view to maintain high quality construction and safety to road users/traffic, this work is being attended with utmost care and sincerity for completion at the earliest as and when window of good weather permits,” the department said, and thanked the people for their cooperation while expressing regret over the inconvenience caused.