Locals allege poor quality work on Tezu-Sunpura road

[Bengia Ajum]

SUNPURA, 16 Jun: The locals here in Lohit district have alleged poor quality work vis-à-vis the project for upgrading the Tezu-Sunpura road.

The upgrading work is funded under the RIDF, amounting to Rs 14,99,89,794. The work on this project started last year.

The locals of Sunpura, under the banner of the Sunpura Area Youth Association (SAYA), have raised concern over the quality of the work.

“In a few stretches, cracks have developed and blacktopping is wearing out. If just in one monsoon rain the potholes start developing in the newly constructed road, then what will be the condition after a few years?” said SAYA general secretary Bobiso Saga.

He also alleged that even the alignment of the road has not been properly done. “Everyone can clearly see that the quality of work has not been maintained. We appeal to the authorities to intervene in the greater interest of the people of Sunpura area. The work should be carried out as per the DPR and re-carpeting should be done,” he added.

Saga further said that the SAYA is going to submit a formal complaint to the deputy commissioner on Monday.

Meanwhile, reacting to the concern raised by the locals, the Tezu PWD division, which is executing the project, assured to “seriously look into the issue.”

Senior PWD officials are expected to visit the site soon and verify the claims.

“We have taken note of the concern raised by people. The contractor has assured us to repair the stretch where the damage has been done,” informed an engineer of the department. He also said that the newly carpeted road was damaged by heavy rain.

“Actually, carpeting should be done when the weather is clear. The contractor should have waited for the weather to improve. Traffic also needs to be regulated. It takes some time for the newly blacktopped road to settle down. In this case, due to miscommunication, these vital points have not been taken care of, leading to early damage of the road,” he said.

The work has been stopped for now and will resume when the weather improves.