AEDMA members call on IPR director

NAHARLAGUN, 25 Aug: A team of the Arunachal Electronic & Digital Media Association (AEDMA), led by its President Toko Migom and General Secretary Sangge Droma, called on Information & Public Relations (IPR) Director Onyok Pertin at his office here on Thursday.

During the meeting, the AEDMA apprised the director of various issues related to the digital media in the state, and also raised the matter of the state’s advertisement policy.

The AEDMA president expressed concern over the mushrooming of media organisations, and informed the IPR director that, “as of now, only nine media organisations are registered with the AEDMA.”

Migom also stressed the need to implement the advertisement policy for the digital media “to encourage the local media organisations.”

Pertin assured to extend all possible support to the AEDMA, and advised its members to “maintain media ethics and coordinate with the department to check any kind of misinformation and misuse of media.”

The AEDMA also felicitated Pertin on his recent promotion as the IPR director.