RGUTA, RGUEA and RGUEIF launch non-cooperation movement from 25 May

ITANAGAR, 24 May: Continuing with its movement against the decision of 50th Executive Council related to re-appointment of the Rajiv Gandhi University’s (RGU) vice chancellor, the Rajiv Gandhi University Teachers Association (RGUTA), Rajiv Gandhi University Employee Association (RGUEA) and Rajiv Gandhi University Employee Indigenous Forum (RGUEIF) have on Wednesday, decided to launch its non-cooperation movement from 25 May.

In an executive body meeting, the three organizations have decided to continue with its demand for withdrawal/dissolution of Executive Council 12 without keeping it aside for the next incumbent VC to review the matter.

The organizations have stated that matter of amendment to the statute 2 (4) of the Rajiv Gandhi University Act 2006 (No. 8 of 2007) which was discussed in the 50th Executive Council meeting held on 10 April, 2023, was not brought in the EC agenda.

“However, the matter was discussed under any other item with permission from Chair, the Chairman of EC is the Vice Chancellor of the university. Since the item was not in the agenda nor was it recommended to be placed

in the agenda by any statutory body or committee, it shows serious inconsistency in the conduct of EC,” added the organizations.

The organizations stated, “Section 13(5) of Rajiv Gandhi Act University Act 2006, No.8 of 2007, states that “the Vice-Chancellor shall exercise all other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Statutes and Ordinances.” Hence the role of the vice-chancellor to amend the statute without taking the view/suggestions of the stakeholders like heads of the department, Deans and the University Court into cognizance (the most representative body) renders this step for repeal of the statute as ultra-vires. The organizations view this conduct of EC as technically fall, administratively wrong and procedurally void.”

The organizations further termed the recent clarification given by RGU’s registrar on the issue “misleading” saying that “reappointment is not related to enhancement of age of superannuation.”

“In the 20th EC held on 25 April, 2018, after receiving letter from UGC, MHRD, Govt. of India, New Delhi, the age of superannuation of teacher from 62 to 65 years without amending in their respective statutes of this University. It is found that this University has implemented the same without amending its statute in pursuance to the order of the Govt. of India. The same was further confirmed in the 21st EC held on 17th September 2018.  Also, the Rajiv Gandhi University Act, 2006, No. 8 of 2007 clearly reveals that nowhere the terminating age of teachers is mentioned. Therefore, the clarification given by the university administration with regard to age of superannuation does not suffice to justify the decision taken with regard to EC decision 50:12,” the organizations added.