Tedir asked to submit report on dismal performance of govt schools in exams

Staff Reporter

ITANAGAR, 29 May: Aghast at the abysmal performance of the state government-run schools in the All India Secondary School Examination and the All India Senior School Certificate Examination, Chief Minister Pema Khandu on Monday informed that Education Minister Taba Tedir has been directed to submit a detailed report on the schools’ poor performance.

Khandu’s statement came when he was asked by media persons about the sorry state of the education scenario, during a media interaction programme of the state BJP, ahead of the party’s celebration of the 9th year of the BJP’s being in power at the Centre.

“The education minister is submitting a report tomorrow (Tuesday). Further action will be taken after going through the report,” the CM said.

He said that community participation and the role of the school management committees are keys to improve the state’s education scenario.

“Community participation is important to bring quality education in the government schools. Unless our own people participate, the education scenario in the government schools won’t improve,” Khandu said.

He further said that “a robust education plan will be prepared, considering the current CBSE results.”