Plantation drive under Mission LiFE

ZIRO, 1 Jun: Officers of the Lower Subansiri district administration and members of several NGOs planted 30 dhupi trees in the resting area of the Shiva Lingam temple in Kardo on Thursday as part of Mission LiFE.

Leading the plantation drive, DC Bamin Nime said that “these trees, when fully grown, will not only provide shade but also augment the overall ambiance of the temple complex and its surroundings.”

Hapoli Divisional Forest Officer Nani Sha also spoke.

Among others, ADC Millo Kojin, EAC (Development) Tage Tatung, CO Khoda Jailyang, DMO Dr Tage Kanno, DDSE Tabia Chobin, DPDO PD Neelam Teji, ICDS DD Dani Yami, and representatives of the Tani Supung Dukung, the Apatani Women Association Ziro, and the Arunachal Pradesh Women’s Welfare Society participated in the programme. (DIPRO)