YJDU urges GoAP to revisit APUAPA

ITANAGAR, 20 Jun: The Yuva Janata Dal (United) or YJDU – the youth wing of the Janata Dal (U) party – on Tuesday urged the state government to revisit the Arunachal Pradesh Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (APUAPA).

In a press conference here, YJDU president Kipa Talling said that “the APUAPA is an antiterrorism law, which is being used to detain innocent protestors, citizens, and social activists who raise their voice against illegal recruitment and corrupt practices.”

Talling claimed that the APUAPA is being used in a selective and discriminatory manner by the authorities against those who are critical of the government and the authorities.

“Everyone, from political leaders to citizens and social activists, is now afraid to speak out because they fear being jailed or harassed under this law,” Talling said.

He added that the YJDU is seriously concerned that the government may misuse the law to detain political leaders, activists, citizens, and even journalists, for expressing their views.

The youth wing also urged the government to ensure early appointment of new Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) members, adding that “prolonging and delay in appointing the commission members may frustrate aspirants.”

The high court has stayed the appointment of new APPSC members after Col Koj Tari and Taba Rosy filed a petition against their removal from the commission.

The YJDU further sought the “progress report of the CBI investigation into the APPSC paper leak scam and the death of former APPSC undersecretary Tumi Gangkak.”

It demanded that the government make the status of the investigation public, stating that every individual has the right to know the progress and status of the investigation.

“Keeping the status of investigation of both cases in the public domain will help allay the fears of the public, since the investigation would be completed in a transparent manner,” the YJDU said.