Union seeks shifting control of Hollongi police outpost

ITANAGAR, 30 Jun: The All Papum Poma Students’ Union (APPSU) said that it has requested the principal home secretary to “shift the control of the Hollongi police outpost from the Itanagar police station to the Balijan police station.”

In a press release, the union on Friday said that it reminded the officer that several representations have been submitted to his office by panchayat members, individuals, and organisations, including the APPSU, regarding shifting of control of the outpost.

It said that, “in view of law and order issue, land encroachment issues along the interstate boundary with Assam, and for the safety and security of the people residing in Hollongi and Kokila areas, the Papum Pare SP took control of the Hollongi police outpost on 26 February, 2021.”

It added, however, that “from social media we have received a notification copy issued by the principal home secretary regarding the creation of Itanagar police range of the APP under the charge of the deputy inspector general of police.”

“Point 5 of the notification stated that the Hollongi outpost, bordering Assam and the Donyi Polo Airport, shall function under the Chimpu police station.

“This said notification has disappointed the general public of Hollongi and Kokila area in particular and Balijan circle as whole,” the release stated, adding that the notification was issued “without consulting the public, PRI members, or the local administrative officers of the said area.”

The union said that, “if the notification order is implemented, the denizens of the area are going to face several inconveniences in the days to come.”