DC advocates converging schemes

NAMSAI, 20 Jul: Namsai DC CR Khampa on Thursday said that convergence of schemes and involvement of local community “is the key to successful implementation and maintenance of the ‘sakhsham anganwadi’ initiative in the district.

He said this during a coordination meeting held here to chalk out the modalities with regard to upgrading the anganwadi centres to saksham anganwadis.

Namsai CDPO W Khimum informed that “the anganwadi services under saksham anganwadi and Poshan 2.0 is a centrally-sponsored scheme, providing a package of six services –  supplementary nutrition; preschool non-formal education; nutrition and health education; immunization, health check-up, and referral services.”

Besides the DPDO, administrative officers and CDPOs of all blocks, along with officials of the agriculture and allied department, the rural development department and the health department attended the meeting. (DIPRO)