APWWS welcomes Yumken Bagra’s arrest

ITANAGAR, 31 Jul: The Arunachal Pradesh Women’s Welfare Society (APWWS) has welcomed the high court’s decision to put serial child abuser Yumken Bagra behind bars.

In a press statement, APWWS president Kani Nada Maling expressed hope that “justice will be served in the court of law and exemplary punishment will be given to Bagra.”

“People like Bagra have no place in civil society. He will always be a threat to society. We applaud the SIT for the thorough probe. Our hearts have been heavy thinking about the children who were sexually, mentally and physically assaulted by their own warden,” the APWWS said, adding that “the journey to recovery will be long but today there is some respite knowing that the perpetrator of the heinous crime is in jail.”

Maling said that the APWWS team in Mechukha (Shi-Yomi) will continue to extend all possible support to the survivors and their families.

“We also appeal to the government of Arunachal Pradesh to extend necessary help to the survivors and their families,” the APWWS said, and added that “for now, we hope for early judgment as per the POCSO Act.”