Sona flags off tractors under ANKY

MECHUKHA, 14 Aug: State Assembly Speaker PD Sona flagged off tractors for the beneficiaries of Shi-Yomi district under the Atmanirbhar Krishi Yojana (ANKY) here in Shi-Yomi district on Monday.

Earlier in the morning, Sona inaugurated the emporium of the textile & handicrafts department here.

The newly inaugurated emporium will not only attract tourists but also provide a platform for the talented local artisans to showcase their handmade creations.

“This wonderful place is set to become a hub of creativity and cultural exchange – a place where the rich heritage of our region finds its voice,” Sona said.

The speaker announced that he would extend support for the emporium’s growth by providing assistance for the construction of shelves and display areas.

The speaker also participated in the ‘Meri Maati Mera Desh’ campaign in Mechukha in the morning. (Speaker’s PR Cell)