VKK conducts ‘Arise Awake’ competition

ITANAGAR, 2 Sep: The Arunachal Pradesh chapter of the Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari [VKK] conducted an ‘Arise Awake’ competition’ – a written test based on the book The Power of Mind, which is a compilation of stories of the freedom fighters of Northeast India – in schools across the state on Saturday.

In total, 4,580 students from 76 government, private and public schools of Arunachal participated in the competition.

“It was a statewide competition designed to ignite the potential and talent of students, and aims to foster the spirit of nationality among the students of Arunachal Pradesh,” the organiser said in a release.

The competition was organised for the students of Class 9 to 12.

The top three students from each district will be awarded, and the topper from each school will be felicitated.

The VKK chapter conducted the competition as part of its motto, ‘Man making; nation building’.