Over 400 students take part in sports trg

PASIGHAT, 19 Sep: A total of 438 school students (277 girls and 161 boys) from various schools of East Siang district participated in a five-day sports training programme organised by Pasighat-based Samvardhinee Nyas from 13 to 17 September.

The programme was aimed at creating interest among the youths in sports activities, as well as at keeping them away from drugs.

During the programme, two coaches – S Balaji and Sukhpal Singh – from Hyderabad (Telangana)-based SP Singh Mallkhamb Academy imparted training in rope mallkhamb (wrestling on rope.)

The resource persons also taught the students techniques and tactics of kho kho and kabaddi.

Addressing the closing ceremony of the programme, SP Sumit Kumar Jha lauded the efforts of the organisation.

“The students are super talented and can do wonders if they are trained properly,” he said.

DDSE Odhuk Tabing commended the coaches for their hard work and dedication during the training programme.

District sports coordinator Tanya Padung also spoke.

Students from UPS Takilalung, GHSS Sille, DEMGHSS, IGJGHSS, and KGBV Pasighat, besides Donyi Polo Vidhya Niketan participated in the training programme.

Sources informed that Samvardhinee Nyas has adopted five schools and will install poles in the adopted schools for the training to be continued by the interested students. (DIPRO)