Govts must respect universal access to information: IJU

NEW DELHI, 28 Sep: Observing the International Day for Universal Access to Information, the Indian Journalists Union (IJU) on Thursday urged both the Centre and state governments to ensure that the fourth estate is allowed to carry out its responsibilities and keep the citizens well-informed through unhindered access to information.

“Unfortunately, the IJU has, over the past years, observed that governments are increasingly using one pretext or the other to clamp down on this critical right to information, and laws are being enacted to clamp down on independent media,” it said in a release.

This year, the UNESCO is focusing on the importance of online space for access to information, which is a vital part of the right to freedom of expression. “Enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it includes the right to seek, receive and impart information through any media and regardless of frontiers,” the IJU said, adding that it is undeniable that “information plays an essential role in any democratic society and helps promote informed decision-making and enhance transparency and accountability.”

IJU President Geetartha Pathak and its Secretary-General Sabina Inderjit said that “India, in this digital era, holds the dubious reputation of being the world capital of internet shutdowns for the fifth consecutive year. And though the Supreme Court has laid down certain guidelines, these are being completely ignored. Worse, the amendments to the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021, are allowing the government to take down posts on social media or the account itself, which is arbitrary and unconstitutional.”

The rules, said the union, are having a chilling effect on the fundamental rights of citizens, particularly journalists, as governments are using the pretext of ‘fake and false facts’ to remove information which is unsuitable to it.

“The nuances being adopted impede accountability and transparency of those in power, the right of citizens to make an informed decision, and journalists to carry out their duties without fear or favour,” they said, and added that the IJU demands that governments respect the right to information and desist from undermining India being the world’s largest democracy.