Rabies awareness programme

RONO HILLS, 7 Oct: The health centre of Rajiv Gandhi University (RGU) here organised a ‘rabies awareness programme’ in the university campus on Friday.

Themed ‘Rabies: All for 1, one health for all’, the programme was attended by students, faculty members, and a large number of campus dwellers.

During the programme, Health Centre CMO Dr Akin Tana Tara informed that there have been multiple reports of dog bites, and that anti-rabies vaccine has been administered to those who had been bitten by dogs.

RGU Vice Chancellor Prof Saket Kushwaha urged all the campus dwellers to take care of their pets, “so that pet owners and neighbours can enjoy living harmoniously.”

Papum Pare District Surveillance Officer Dr R Ronya presented details on rabies, ways to prevent it, and anti-rabies vaccination.

RGU Registrar Dr NT Rikam and Finance Officer Prof Otem Padung appealed to the campus dwellers, especially pet owners, to “cooperate with the health, veterinary and administration departments whenever there is a programme to prevent and control rabies,” the university informed in a release.