Governor exhorts soldiers guarding Indo-China border to remain alert and vigilant

TUTING, 20 Oct: Stating that the international border of Arunachal Pradesh is sensitive and a very important sector in context to national security, Governor K.T Parnaik exhorted the soldiers to remain alert and vigilant.

Interacting with the officers and personnel of Indian armed forces stationed near the Line of Actual Control at Tuting in Upper Siang district on Friday, the governor exhorted the officers and soldiers to prepare themselves in the proud traditions of the Indian army to uphold the values and principles of the Indian armed forces.

The governor, while sharing his experience in the sector, advised the security personnel to instill ‘Zero Notice’ reaction time and be watchful. He also shared finer points of border management and future warfare.

Parnaik emphasized the importance of the armed forces fostering positive relationships with the civilian population.

He called for reinforcing goodwill for mutual trust and understanding between the military and civilians while, highlighting the vital role the armed forces play in maintaining public safety and security in the border area.

Health and family welfare minister Alo Libang and director general of police Anand Mohan were present during the interaction.

Security personnel from infantry battalions including, Maratha Regiment, Gorkha Regiment, Dogra Regiment, Army Supply Corps, Engineers and Artillery Brigade along with Indo Tibetan Border Police were present on the occasion. (PRO to Raj Bhavan)