Training prog on mushroom cultivation

NAHARLAGUN, 14 Nov: Twenty-seven BSc forestry students of the NERIST participated in a two-day training programme on ‘Cultivation of mushrooms, production of vermicompost and cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants’, which concluded at the North East Institute of Science & Technology’s (NEIST) branch laboratory in G Sector here on Tuesday.

During the programme, which was organised with support from the environment, forests & climate change department from 13 to 14 November, NEIST in-charge Dr Chandan Tamuly spoke on “scientific interventions of the NEIST towards sustainable development of the common people of the state,” the institute informed in a release.

Resource person Priyanka Kakoti (TA) gave presentations on ‘commercial cultivation of mushroom towards sustainable socioeconomic development and to combat malnutrition; introduction to medicinal and aromatic plant cultivation; and production of vermicompost’.

“The students were given hands-on training in mushroom bag preparation and inoculation of mushroom sub-culture, essential oil extraction of lemongrass using Clevenger’s apparatus, and vermicompost technique using organic waste materials and cow dung,” it said.