Joint team inspects Chimpu market area

ITANAGAR, 13 Jan: A joint team of the Itanagar Capital Region (ICR) district administration, the Itanagar Municipal Corporation (IMC), and the highway department on Saturday inspected the right of way (RoW) of NH 415, particularly in the Chimpu Saturday  market area, “where haphazard trading activities cause inconvenience to the public,” the ICR DIPRO informed in a release.

The team, led by Itanagar EAC Khoda Lasa, comprised IMC Joint Commissioner Datum Gadi, engineers of the highway department, and police personnel.

“During the inspection, 20 metres RoW from central point of the NH was marked by highway engineer and the executive magistrate,” the DIPRO said, adding that the team told “the owners and traders of Chimpu Saturday market to not run their trading activities across 20 metres RoW, which will otherwise be considered illegal and will be subject to eviction.”

“Market owners and traders were also asked to evict the constructed structures by themselves,” the release said.

While Lasa informed that “the objective of the inspection is to create awareness among the traders and owners in public interest,” Gadi appealed to the business community and market owners to “maintain hygiene and abide by the ban order on single-use plastic.”

He also urged the people to “generate awareness on proper garbage management and keep the market area and its surroundings clean,” the DIPRO said.