Expedite developmental projects, Sona urges officials

ITANAGAR, 29 Feb: Legislative Assembly Speaker PD Sona urged the government officials and contractors to expedite all the pending government projects in his constituency, Mechukha, in Shi-Yomi district.

Sona was on a weeklong tour of his constituency, which concluded on Wednesday.

During the tour, Sona inspected various project sites, including the 300 KW Tape MHS in Sokodom in Monigong circle, which is on the verge of completion. On completion, the Tape MHS will cater to the electricity requirement of Monigong town and adjoining areas.

Sona also visited the Govt Residential School in Papikrung and interacted with the children. He expressed satisfaction with the progress of the school under NGO Sunbird Trust, and informed that more schools in the district would be adopted by the NGO as “MoUs have already been signed.”

He also visited the Tadadege border outpost and inspected the ongoing road construction work there.

Sona chaired a series of meetings with panchayat leaders, GBs, and the public during the tour.

In his address, he stressed the need to “rise above politics and come together to find solutions to the problems hindering the overall development of the constituency.”

Asserting that “I always encourage human-oriented politics,” he said that “my political ambition focuses on good governance and all-round development of the area.”

Sona called for “a positive change in political mindset to rewrite a new progressing chapter for the area under the leadership of the ruling BJP government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chief Minister Pema Khandu.” (Speaker’s PR Cell)