DNGC students take part in SVEEP prog

ITANAGAR, 5 Mar: Around 200 students, including NSS volunteers, of Dera Natung Government College (DNGC) took part in a ‘mini-integrated communication and outreach programme’ on the systematic voters’ education and electoral participation (SVEEP) held at the college here on Monday.

The programme was organised by the DNGC in collaboration with the Central Bureau of Communication’s (CBC) Itanagar regional office, in order to spread awareness about elections and voters’ rights among the people, especially the youths.

Speaking on the occasion, DNGC Principal Dr MQ Khan advised the students to “stay away from temptations of money culture and not compromise your votes and voting rights, but rather cast your votes for capable leaders.”

DNGC Political Science Assistant Professor Bar Yakar apprised the students of elections, voting, voters, and their rights.

Itanagar CBC-RO Publicity Assistant Prasanta Das highlighted the number of programmes organised by the CBC-RO all over the state.

This was followed by an interaction session.

Political science student Chaya Haji won the first prize in a quiz competition that was organised as part of the programme, while NSS volunteers Bamchiri Dabang and Sangha Apo bagged the second and the third prize, respectively.

DNGC’s Mathematics Assistant Professor Botem Moyong coordinated the programme. (DIPRO)