DNGC organises 4th D Creo Festival

ITANAGAR, 21 Mar: The Arts Club and the Literary Club of Dera Natung Government College (DNGC), in collaboration with the Arunachal Pradesh Literary Society (APLS), organised the 4th edition of D Creo Festival at the college recently.

“Drawing talent from eight higher education institutions across the Itanagar Capital Region, the festival served as a platform for creative expression through painting, poetry composition, recitation, short story writing, and reading in both Hindi and English,” the college informed in a release.

The winners of the competitions were:

Poetry (Hindi): Yagraj (RGU, 1st) and Azim Ahmed (Rajiv Gandhi Government Polytechnic College, 2nd).

Poetry (English): Talu Mara (RGU, 1st) and Chaya Haji (DNGC, 2nd).

Short story (Hindi): Gichik Yapi (DNGC, 1st) and Tame Yakum (Bini Yanga Government Women College, 2nd).

Short story (English): Muskan Sonar (Bini Yanga Government Women College, 1st) and Yagraj (RGU, 2nd).

“The festival provided a nurturing ground for artistic growth with a painting workshop led by RGU Fine Arts & Music Department Assistant Professor Punyo Chobin,” the release informed.

DNGC Principal Dr MQ Khan in his address to the students emphasised the “importance of harnessing inner creativity through arts and literature.”

“Throughout the day, the attendees were treated to captivating art installations, live music, dance performances, and display of paintings by the Arts Club,” the release said.

The valedictory ceremony was attended by, among others, Arunachal Pradesh Literary Society president YD Thongchi, who urged the students to “immerse yourselves in reading and writing,” and shed light on the “contributions of the APLS to the state’s literary scenario,” the release said.