NGOs conduct IEC campaign to mark WWD

ITANAGAR, 22 Mar: In observance of the World Water Day (WWD), fieldworkers of NGOs Youth Mission for Clean River (YMCR) and Abralow Memorial Multipurpose Society conducted a door-to-door information, education and communication (IEC) campaign in Chandannagar area here on Friday to educate the residents about the importance of solid waste management and its impact on the precious water resources.

The campaign focused on the critical practice of source segregation.

The fieldworkers explained how separating waste at the household level – organics, recyclables, and non-biodegradables – allows for proper disposal and maximises recycling opportunities. “This not only reduces the overall waste burden but also prevents harmful materials from contaminating waterways,” the YMCR informed in a release.

The residents were informed also about the benefits of composting wet waste at home. “By diverting organic materials from landfills, individuals can create nutrient-rich compost for their gardens, promoting a more sustainable waste management cycle,” the release stated, adding that “the campaign served as a stark reminder of the dangers of littering and improper waste disposal.”

The fieldworkers emphasised the severe consequences of dumping waste into rivers and other water bodies. “This not only pollutes the water source but also disrupts aquatic ecosystems,” the release added.

The IEC campaign was supported by the Itanagar Smart City Development Corporation Limited.