Awareness prog on school soil health

MAHADEVPUR, 30 Apr: An awareness programme on school soil health was organised at the JNV here in Namsai district by Lohit DAO N Sumnyan, in collaboration with the Namsai KVK, on Monday.

The programme was conducted by a team comprising Sumnyan, ADO (PP) S Chaitom, Tezu ADO L Pertin, Namsai KVK plant protection scientist Dr Madhumita Bora, and the field functionaries under the Lohit PD-ATMA.

Sumnyan emphasised the need for soil testing and its benefits, while Dr Bora delivered a presentation on the importance of soil health and the method of soil sample collection.

Chaitom presented a brief on “the importance and use of soil health card and practical method on soil sample collection,” while Sunpura ATM Pankaj Deb presented a step-by-step practical demonstration of soil sample collection. (DIPRO)