Heavy rain damages suspension bridges, power supply lines in Siang valley

YINGKIONG, 22 May: Heavy rain accompanied by hailstorm on Tuesday damaged many infrastructures in various parts of the Upper Siang district.

According to Tuting circle officer Imar Ete, three foot suspension bridges (FSBs) over Siang river in Mayum, Zido and Singging villages under Tuting sub-division were damaged due to sudden storm, affecting the villagers who use the suspension bridges in their daily life.

Ration supply for army personnel, stationed at Mayum top, has also been affected as the rations were delivered using the FSB at Mayum, he said.

He further informed that immediate reports of damages have been communicated to district administration for early restoration of the FSBs. The people are also alerted not to use the damaged FSB till it is completely restored.

Deputy commissioner Hage Lailang also directed Tuting ADC to assess the damage caused in the area and submit the report.

The heavy storm also damaged the 11 KV line and LT line at Tuting, completely affecting the power supply in the area.

Power supply in the district including headquarter Yingkiong has been disrupted from Tuesday evening due to damage caused by storm and wind to  both HT and LT overhead lines  in some locations at Geku.

Power department has pressed men and materials into service for early restoration. It was informed that there may be irregularity in power supply till the completion of restoration works. (DIPRO)