Training prog on IDSP, IHIP organised

ITANAGAR, 15 Jun: The state surveillance unit (SSU) organised a comprehensive training programme for doctors, nurses, and laboratory technicians at Ramakrishna Mission Hospital (RKMH) here on Saturday.

The programme was aimed at educating the participants on the critical importance of the integrated disease surveillance programme (IDSP) and the integrated health information platform (IHIP) in controlling disease outbreaks across the state, with specific focus on the Itanagar Capital Region (ICR), the SSU informed in a release.

Addressing the participants, State Surveillance Officer (IDSP) Dr L Jampa highlighted the journey of the IDSP in the state, and commended RKMH “for its significant progress in increasing reporting rates from 0 per cent in January 2024 to 89 per cent in May 2024,” the release stated.

IDSP consultant Dr Bomto Riram elucidated the benefits of the IHIP and the ‘event alert form’ in ensuring on-time detection and intervention against disease outbreak, while ICR District Surveillance Officer Dr Giri Tali and district epidemiologist Dr Perde Lombi apprised the participants of “data reporting challenges from RKMH, emphasising the need to register contacts and symptom onset dates for effective follow-up in health alert events,” the release said.

Nako Tai presented a demonstration of the IHIP portal data entry, and “provided mock usernames and passwords for practice to the faculties’ members and staffers,” it said.

RKMH secretary Swami Maharaj Vedasarandaassured to ensure “continued improvement in laboratory reporting and development of an effective reporting system for OPDs,” while RKMH medical superintendent Dr Talar Motu spoke on “the onboarding challenges for doctors with IHIP, while committing to streamline the reporting process within the hospital,” the release added.

Earlier, Swami Maharaj Vedasaranda and Ramakrishna Mission assistant secretary Swami Maharaj Jyotirananda were felicitated.