Arunachal filmmakers gain experience from Mumbai Intl Film Festival

ITANAGAR, 19 Jun: A group of filmmakers from Arunachal Pradesh participated in the week-long 18th Mumbai International Film Festival (MIFF), organized by the union ministry of information and broadcasting from June 15.

The information and public relations department, GoAP, had selected four best independent budding filmmakers – Akom Don Emma, Joram Jonah, Mankap Nokwoham and Dr. Delong Padung to represent the state at the festival.

Sharing her experience in the film festival, Arunachalee documentary filmmaker Akom Don Emma said, “For a filmmaker like me, the MIFF was a colossal opportunity where I found practical knowledge and advice from experts and fellow filmmakers from around the globe.”

“Each film and documentary I saw at the festival implanted new inspiration in me, such as ‘Billy and Molly,’ ‘Sunflower,’ and ‘The Flowering Man.’

Despite some initial challenges, I am returning to my village with invaluable knowledge and inspiration from the MIFF,” she said.

Filmmaker Dr. Delong Padung said, “I immersed myself in numerous screenings and competitions, discovering works that resonated with themes of societal change, environmental preservation and human emotion. ‘My Mercury,’ a standout film, depicted the trials of penguins in the Atlantic seas and highlighted the threat of extinction due to global warming. ‘I Go Gaga,’ a Japanese masterpiece, told the inspiring story of an elderly woman overcoming life’s challenges. ‘The Flowering Man’ was a poignant narrative about a father-daughter relationship, capturing the essence of lost opportunities and unfulfilled dreams. These films profoundly inspired me and broadened my perspective.”

“Attending the MIFF in Mumbai was an incredible experience. I gained invaluable insights into documentary filmmaking and short film competitions from renowned directors. The knowledge from panel discussions and workshops on AI, marketing and distribution was immense. Now, I’m applying this knowledge to promote the film industry in my beautiful state of Arunachal Pradesh, uncovering hidden talents and fostering growth,” Padung said.

Joram Jonah, another filmmaker from Arunachal said that the Mumbai International Film Festival was an absolute delight. Jonah said, “the storytelling depth and grace I experienced, the group discussions, Q&A sessions, one-on-one meetings with experts, and the numerous connections made within the film community were incredibly enriching.”

Filmmaker Mankap Nokwoham, a student of FTII, stated that “MIFF has proven to be an enriching experience, offering insights into different forms and formats of contemporary cinema.”  Nokwoham further said, “the festival has also provided a valuable platform for interaction and collaboration among like-minded individuals, fostering discussions that are crucial for the growth of cinema in nascent stages, such as that of Arunachal Pradesh.”

Creative consultant for IPR department and a member of the Arunachal Film Festival, Sawang Wangchha accompanied the team throughout the event.

The film festival began with the gala screening of the documentary film ‘Billy and Molly: An Otter Love Story’ at the NFDC-NMIC complex.

The festival features a diverse array of films including documentaries, short films, animations, and feature films and a total of 314 films in 61 languages from 59 countries are being screened at the festival which will come to an end on 21 June, informed DIPR in a release on Wednesday.