DC urges banks to improve credit-deposit ratio in Lohit

TEZU, 19 Jun: Lohit deputy commissioner Shashvat Saurabh urged the banks to improve the credit-deposit ratio in Lohit district, and suggested them to not delay loan proposals at the branch level.

The DC, who chaired a DCC/DLRC meeting here on Wednesday, stressed on the need to use the state-sponsored schemes for livelihood generation.

During the meeting, deposit and advance (loan) and the credit-deposit ratio of Lohit district were discussed.

Besides, all the government-sponsored loan scheme, including Atma Nirbhar Krishi Yojana, Atma Nirbhar Plantation Yojana (Agri), Atma Nirbhar Bagwani Yojana, Atma Nirbhar Plantation Yojana (Horti), Atma Nirbhar Matshya Palan and Atma Nirbhar Pashu Palan Yojana, PMEGP, KCC, PMMY and social security schemes etc. were also discussed in the meeting.

The meeting was attended by Tezu ADC Kunal Yadav, ZPC Dasula Krisikro, ZPMs, lead bank managers and heads of line department.(DIPRO)