18 employed children, adolescents rescued

AALO, 1 Jul: Eighteen children and adolescents engaged in hazardous employment were rescued during an operation carried out from 25-28 June by the West Siang district task force for rescue of child labourers.

The operation was carried out in collaboration with the Aalo unit of the West Siang district child protection unit (DCPU). The team comprised Probation Officer Mijum Doke and police personnel deputed by DSP Moge Bole, under the guidance of EAC Koj Tacho and DCPO Yabi Riba Ete.

Four rescued children were handed over to their parents/families, and 18 cases have been registered at the police station here.

Doke appealed to the citizens to “enroll your children below 14 years of age in school,” and asked the employers of children aged between 14 and 18 years to “provide all basic necessities to the employees, as per the guidelines of the Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Act.”

He warned the employers that violation of the Act would lead to punishment as deemed fit under the law. (DIPRO)