K/Kumey DA delivers essential items to Panyasang

Staff Reporter

KOLORIANG, 9 Jul: The Kurung Kumey district administration was able to deliver essential items to the district’s people at Panyasang circle on Tuesday.

Damin, Parsi-Parlo and Panyasang circles are cut off from the rest of the state following heavy rainfall this week, triggering a crisis of food and other essential commodities in the three administrative circles.

Deputy Commissioner Vishakha Yadav informed that essential items were delivered at around 12:30 pm on Tuesday at Taba village in Panyasang circle. Taba village is the last motorable point in the circle.

A team of the DA, led by CO Shankar Bagang, in collaboration with PRI members, ensured the supply of the essential items.

“All the villagers were issued the requisite items; it was the last motorable point. Villagers along with panchayat members were asked to collect from this point. Rations are covered,” informed the DC.

She added that “the situation on the road is still bad and there are approximately 17 block points.

“Only Maruti Gypsy cars are able to go through,” she said.

The DC informed also that “ration has been supplied to Parsi-Parlo and Damin by the same route (Sangram-Nyobia-Parsi Parlo-Panyasang-Damin), along with continuing clearance.”

“Since Panyasang and Damin are extremely untenable currently, the CO along with PRI members asked the people to collect essential items from Taba village on foot,” she added.

The district administration is pushing hard to restore surface communication to supply essential items to the people, she added.