Make E/Siang frontrunner in all developmental indicators: DC

PASIGHAT, 30 Jul: East Siang Deputy Commissioner Tayi Taggu instructed the officers of the district to “put all-out efforts to make East Siang the frontrunner district in all developmental indicators.”

Speaking during a district-level monitoring committee meeting here on Tuesday, the DC asked all stakeholders to disseminate awareness about the government’s schemes among the targeted beneficiaries.

“The onus is on each of us to deliver last-mile services to the people, reach the un-reached, and cover all targeted beneficiaries with sustained and proactive efforts to meet the expectations of the people in all developmental sectors,” he said.

The HoDs of the district delivered presentations on all ongoing central and union government schemes. Taggu asked the departments to complete projects on time, “without compromising with work quality,” and stressed on “maximum utilisation of limited working period.”

The meeting was attended also by MLAs Ninong Ering, Tapi Darang and Oken Tayeng. The trio put forward their suggestions on important issues and stressed on “people-friendly attitude, transparency, quick delivery of public services, and team spirit.”

They also advocated team effort to improve the education scenario of the district, and urged the HoDs to cooperate with them and the district administration to achieve the targets of welfare schemes devised by the government for the people. (DIPRO)