TAWANG, 3 Sep: PWD (WZ) chief engineer Dube Dulom was given a warm farewell on his last day of work on 30 August here.
During the farewell function, Tawang Finance & Accounts Officer Hage Tayu handed over the retirement benefits to Dulom, on behalf of Audit & Pension Director Tarh Tabin.
In his farewell address, Dulom reminded all the retiring heads of offices and departments to submit their pension papers, “complete in all respects,” to the audit & pension directorate four months before retirement, “under the provisions of rule, as no pension papers can be processed without the complete set of requisite valid documents as per the standard check list.”
Dulom profusely thanked the finance department “for the record finalisation (of his pension papers) in a very short time, despite my having submitted the pension papers very late.” (DIPRO)