Florence Nightingale awardee Iken Lollen returns to warm welcome

[ Nipjyoti Kalita ]

ITANAGAR, 14 Sep: Iken Lollen, an auxiliary nurse midwife serving at the district hospital in Seppa in East Kameng district, was given a warm and celebratory reception on Friday at the Donyi Polo Airport, Hollongi.

She returned after receiving the prestigious National Florence Nightingale Award, in recognition of her outstanding contributions to nursing and healthcare. The president of India bestowed this honour, highlighting Lollen’s remarkable dedication to her profession.

The state unit of the Trained Nurses Association of India (TNAI) welcomed her upon her arrival, celebrating her achievements and acknowledging the pride she has brought to the state’s nursing community.

 The TNAI unit said that Lollen’s recognition is not only a personal achievement but a motivation for the entire nursing fraternity in Arunachal Pradesh to strive for excellence.

State TNAI president KT Yassung, its general secretary Techi Mepung, and other association members were present at the airport to personally congratulate Lollen.

Speaking on the occasion, Yassung expressed admiration for Lollen’s achievements, and urged all nurses in the state to draw inspiration from her.

“Iken Lollen’s recognition at the national level should encourage every nurse in Arunachal Pradesh to continue working with dedication towards the betterment of healthcare in the state,” Yassung said.

The TNAI unit extended best wishes to Lollen for her future endeavours and praised her as a role model for the nursing community. “We hope that this achievement sets a benchmark and inspires many more healthcare workers to aim for greater goals,” said Techi Mepung, adding that the entire nursing community should take pride in this recognition.