Miscreants cut down planted trees in Silluk

[Mingkeng osik]

SILLUK, 22 Sep: NGO Swachh Silluk Abhiyan (SSA) has vehemently condemned the cutting down of planted trees in Silluk village in East Siang district by unidentified miscreants.

At least 30 trees, including 11 recently planted saplings, were cut down by miscreants on 19 August.

Mebo ADC Sibo Passing and the Mebo PS OC, after receiving complaints filed by the NGO, visited the village on Saturday.

Passing informed that on 10 August, over 300 saplings were planted by the Silluk football team in collaboration with the SSA. He said that the mindless destruction of the trees has hurt the sentiment of the villagers.

The ADC assured that CCTV cameras will be installed in the village for proper monitoring of the planted trees.

SSA chairman Kepang Nong Borang while condemning the act appealed to the district administration and the local CBOs, GBs and the public to take strong and prompt action against the miscreants.