DNGC to NEHU walkathon

ITANAGAR, 30 Sep: The principal of the Dera Natung Government College (DNGC) Dr. M.Q Khan on Monday flagged off a ‘Walkathon from the college campus to the North Eastern Hill University, Meghalaya.’ The walkathon is being undertaken by Welkin Stone Shadap, a student of MSc Botany from NEHU who is aiming to complete it in 8 days with the theme “Healthy Minds, Healthy Lives: Walk against Drugs.”

During the interaction, Dr. M.Q Khan appreciated the efforts of Welkin and added that he granted permission to start the walkathon from college because the theme is very significant. “The demon of drugs is spreading like wildfire in the northeast region and also in Arunachal Pradesh and the graph of drug addicts is soaring,” said Dr. Khan. “This is the prime responsibility of all stakeholders, NGOs, unions, associations, institutions, and parents etc, to create awareness against the ills of drugs to save our youths,” added Dr. Khan.

Welkin suggested and encouraged the youths to use their energy in sports, cultural and other positive activities. All the participants promised to stay away from any kinds of drugs.

The programme was coordinated by Phuntso Gombu, NSS programme officer and Dr. Joba Riba, the guest faculty and attended by faculty members and NSS volunteers of DNGC.