[ Gyati Kacho ]
ZIRO, 5 Feb: A team of 14-member former executive members of Apatani Women Association Ziro (AWAZ) embarked on a one-week exposure tour to Sikkim and later interacted with Sikkim Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang Golay.
Starting from 28 Jan to 4 Feb, the all women AWAZ team had undertaken the tour primarily to explore and study the rural tourism facilities available at Sikkim, considered one of the most sought after tourist destination place in India, and to bring back the experience to be replicated at Ziro, a similar sought after tourist destination place in Arunachal Pradesh.
“In contrast to the fast-paced city life, there is a growing recognition to step back and experience the slow but organic lifestyle of village,” said former AWAZ president Hibu Lily, while adding, “team AWAZ had the first hand opportunity to experience the famed rural eco-tourism facilities available at Sikkim through the exposure tour.”
The team along with Ganesh Kr Chettry, the owner of Dhungay Homestay in Martam visited an organic farm where they learnt about the traditional methods of organic farming practices adopted by Sikkimese farmers for sustainable land use. They were also made accustomed with the practices of mixed farming where domestication of animals went hand in hand with organic farming.
On 2nd Feb, the team was invited for dinner by Sikkim Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang Golay. During the dinner meeting, fruitful discussions were held on the status of women and women empowerment programs of Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim.
Team AWAZ highlighted their contributions to the community in the fields of education, sports, fashion, health sector and undertaking cleanliness drives in Ziro valley. They also explained the unique cultural practices of paddy-cum-fish culture, kiwi farming, entrepreneurial spirit of ‘Naara Aba’ and the ‘Ziro Festival of Music’ (ZFM), India’s biggest outdoor music festival. The team also informed about the vibrant and major traditional festivals of Myoko and Dree of Apatani people. The Sikkim Chief Minister expressed his desire to visit Ziro valley in days to come.
Former AWAZ general secretary Leegang Ania said the exposure tour helped us to witness the active role of Sikkim govt. in securing a better future for the women and children of their state. “We were also glad to learn that most of the govt. departments in Sikkim were headed by women officials,” she said. “AWAZ believes that empowering women is not just limited to financial assistance but also to provide women with the same opportunities and skills as men,” said Ania.