A call for religious harmony in Arunachal

[ Dater Dasi Taipodia ]

Religion is a candle inside a multicoloured lantern. Everyone looks through a particular colour, but the candle is always there.” – Muhammad Naguib.

In the pristine landscapes of Arunachal Pradesh, where the lush greenery and majestic mountains stand as silent witnesses to the passage of time, lies a unique tapestry of cultural and religious diversity. Among the various belief systems that peacefully coexist in Arunachal, Christianity and Doni-Poloism stand as pillars of faith for their respective followers. Yet, in an era where division often finds a louder voice, the need for harmony and peaceful coexistence between these communities has never been more crucial. This article aims to encourage mutual respect, understanding, and collaboration between Christianity and Doni-Poloism in Arunachal, ensuring a peaceful and prosperous future for allArunachali.

Strategies to promote religious harmony

  • Dialogue and communication: Establishing regular interfaith dialogues can create a platform for open discussions. These dialogues can help dispel misconceptions, share personal stories, and highlight common values, such as love for nature and community service. Initiatives like workshops or seminars featuring speakers from both faiths can encourage participation and understanding.
  • Cultural Exchange programmes: Organising cultural exchange programmes can provide a space for both religions to showcase their music, dance, and art. Celebrating festivals together can also strengthen bonds and create lasting memories. By participating in each other’s celebrations, both Christians and Donipoloists can foster a spirit of inclusivity and appreciation. Whether it is Christmas, Solung, Mopin or Nyokum, etc, these occasions should be viewed as opportunities to come together and rejoice in the beauty of diversity.
  • Collaborative community service: Joint community service projects can bring members of both faiths together for a common cause. Whether its environmental conservation, education, or health initiatives, working side by side can build trust and promote a spirit of cooperation. This not only addresses social issues but also reinforces the idea that both religions share a commitment to the wellbeing of their society.
  • Educational initiatives: Education plays a pivotal role in dispelling myths and stereotypes. Schools and community centres should promote lessons that highlight the values of tolerance and respect. Workshops, seminars, and interfaith dialogues can serve as platforms for individuals to learn about each other’s faiths in an environment of mutual respect and curiosity.
  • Support from religious leaders: Religious leaders play a pivotal role in shaping community attitudes. Encouraging local pastors and Donyi Polo priests to speak about the importance of coexistence and respect in their sermons can influence their congregations positively. Joint prayer meetings or events led by religious leaders can symbolise unity and mutual respect.
  • Conflict resolution mechanisms: Establishing community frameworks for resolving disputes can prevent misunderstandings from escalating into conflicts. Mediation by respected elders or community leaders from both faiths can help in addressing grievances while promoting dialogue and reconciliation.
  • The role of youths: The younger generation holds the promise of a brighter future. Encouraging youths from both communities to collaborate on projects, participate in cultural exchanges, and engage in dialogues can lay the foundation for lasting peace. It is by the hands of the youths that the seeds of harmony can be sown and nurtured.

The path to religious harmony and peaceful coexistence in Arunachal can be paved with empathy, respect, and a willingness to understand and appreciate each other’s beliefs and practices. By embracing the values that unite us and celebrating the diversity that enriches us, Christians and Donipoloists can create a harmonious future where every individual, regardless of their faith, can thrive in peace and unity. Let us rise above our differences and walk together on this journey towards a more harmonious and prosperous Arunachal. (The views expressed are personal.)