Workshop on medical research held at RGU

RONO HILLS, 1 Mar: A ‘Research facility training and two-day hands-on workshop on molecular biology techniques in medical research’ was jointly organised by Rajiv Gandhi University (RGU) and the TRIHMS here on 27 and 28 February.

The workshop was aimed at sensitising clinicians and doctors to biomedical research. It provided expert-level understanding and hands-on training in molecular biology research skills and techniques that could be used in clinical research.

The initiative came from the Multidisciplinary Research Unit (MRU) of the TRIHMS to train doctors across the departments of the TRIHMS in molecular biology techniques. Eleven doctors from the departments of biochemistry, pathology, ophthalmology, anatomy, physiology, community medicine, obstetrics and gynaecology, and pharmacology participated in the workshop.

TRIHMS MRU nodal officer Dr Ashok Detheinformed that the MRU has been established to support and promote clinical research in the institute. “The MRU will provide an advanced clinical research facility to interested doctors, and this workshop is a step forward in this direction,” he said.

RGU Zoology Assistant Professor Dr Arnab Ghoshhighlighted that “clinicians should have a basic understanding of genomics, bioinformatics and molecular biology techniques in an era of personalised medicine.”

RGU Vice-Chancellor    (i/c) Prof SK Nayak emphasised the importance of the TRIHMS in the state, acknowledged the contribution of the doctors to the society. He gave assurance that RGU would always welcome any collaborative effort between these two premier institutions of the state.

RGU Zoology HoD Prof Hirendra Nath Sarmaencouraged the participants to engage in biomedical research and make proper use of the expertise available between these two institutions.

Ophthalmology Associate Professor Dr Tojum Gongoand Physiology Hod Prof Praveen Kumar also spoke.