ITANAGAR, 21 Mar: A team of the Arunachal Pradesh State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (APSCPCR), led by its Chairperson Ratan Anya, submitted its observations and recommendations to Education Minister Pasang Dorjee Sona during an interactive meeting with him at the civil secretariat here on Friday.
During the meeting, the commission gave a detailed presentation, emphasising the need for effective implementation of Section 12(l)(c) under RTE Act, 2009 for providing free and compulsory elementary education up to the extent of at least 25% of enrollment in all recognised private unaided schools in the state for children belonging to weaker section and disadvantaged group.
The commission recommended setting up of effective grievance redressal mechanism under Section 32 of the RTE Act, 2009 to address complaints and grievances against any government and government-aided or private schools.
The commission also discussed the concerning state of bullying/ragging among children in educational institutes and
viral social media posts in the recent times and recommended the mandatory constitution of anti-bullying committee in all schools in the state and also re-introduction of the moral science subject up to elementary level in the state.
Informing the minister about denial of admission of children with special needs (CwSN) in a few schools, “which is gross violation of educational rights of the child,” the commission recommended mandatory appointment of special educators, especially in the pre-primary and primary level in all the schools, irrespective of government or private schools.
The commission also stressed on “sensitisation and activation of Prahari Clubs in all the schools,”compulsory awareness and sensitisation on the POCSO Act, and suggested immediate removal and blacklisting of accused employees from educational institutes till acquitted by the court.
The commission informed in a release that the minister reaffirmed the government’s commitment to ensure safe, inclusive and nurturing environment for children.
“He further assured to look into the submissions of the commission for proper implementation of the RTE Act in the state,” it said.
Education Commissioner Amjad Tak, and Education Secretary Duly Kamduk also attended the meeting.
APSCPCR members Niri Chongrowju, Honluk Lukham and Member Secretary Khoda Rakhi accompanied Anya during the meeting.