Social worker and teacher Likhau Wangcha no more

LONGDING, 22 Mar: Likhau Wangcha, a renowned social worker, teacher, and adviser to the Arunachal Pradesh Women’s Welfare Society (APWWS) Longding unit, passed away on Saturday after a prolonged battle with cancer. She was 56.

Wife of Manhang Loham, Wangcha was serving as a junior teacher at the Government Higher Secondary School in Longding.

She was the first general secretary of the Wancho Council (women wing) and

 the first woman presidentof the Central Oriah Celebration Committee, Longding, and the chief auditor of the All Wancho Women Welfare Society, Longding.

Wangcha worked tirelessly to promote the welfare of women and children in the Wancho community. She had also contributed towards promotion of local beads-making and weaving.

Wangcha is survived by her husband and a daughter.

Meanwhile, the Wancho community has expressed deep shock and sorrow over her demise, and extended heartfelt condolences to her family.

A large number of people from various walks of life also thronged her residence in Longding to pay their last respects.