Viksit Bharat Youth Parliament-2025

ITANAGAR, 22 Mar: Around 40 youths participated in the inaugural session of the district nodal round competition of the Viksit Bharat Youth Parliament (VBYP)-2025, themed ‘One nation, one election: Paving the way for Viksit Bharat,’ conducted by Dera Natung Government College (DNGC), in collaboration with the NSS Cell of the college and the Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan(NYKS), here on Saturday.

The two-day event is being organised and coordinated by Assistant Professor and ICR VPYP district nodal officer Botem Moyong, along with Assistant Professors Dr Chalak

Lowang, Hevojit Deka, and Dr Bombi Riram.

Earlier, a total of 268 participants from across eight districts of the state had participated in the initial round, ie, the registration round of VBYP-2025 wherein the participants had uploaded one-minute videos on the theme ‘What does Viksit Bharat mean to you?’ Out of 250 participants, the top 150 winners have been selected for the district nodal round competition, wherein the participants have to present three-minute speeches on the theme ‘One nation, one election: Paving the way for Viksit Bharat’.

Of the 150 participants in the district nodal round, the top 10 winners will be selected for the state level championship, which is going to be held at the state Assembly.

Addressing the students on the occasion, DNGC Principal Dr MQ Khan spoke about the vision of a developed India by 2047, underscoring the nation’s ongoing journey towards achieving its objectives. Drawing from the examples of Amrit Mahotsav, he emphasised the celebration of India’s progress, achievements, and aspirations, while urging the youths to take pride in the country’s rich cultural heritage.

He reinforced the message that a developed nation leads to individual progress, emphasising unity and peace as key pillars for growth and transformation, regardless of religion, caste, or creed.

DH&TE NSS Cell State Liaison Officer Dr AK Mishra encouraged the students to actively participate in initiatives such as the Viksit Bharat Youth Parliament, which allows youths to share theirideas and contribute to nation-building.

ICR district nodal officer Botem Moyong stated that the platform offers youths a chance to engage in national discussions and contribute their voices toward shaping India’s future.

Youth Mission for Clean River general secretary Dr Prem Taba encouraged the youths to engage in societal issues, and emphasised the critical role of youths in fostering strong governance through active participation, particularly in environmental causes.

The event is organised every year by the union Youth Affairs & Sports Ministry across the nation.

In Lohit district, the district nodal round of the VBYP-2025 commenced at Indira Gandhi Govt College (IGGC) in Tezu on Saturday.

IGGC Principal Dr Kangki Megu emphasised the crucial role of youths in transforming the country’s dreams into realities, highlighting their creative thoughts and innovative ideas. Dr Megu said that ‘one nation, one election’ would “herald a new era in the process of good governance and inclusive development.”

He announced that the college would bear the travel expenses for participants selected for the national level.

Lohit district BJP president Gamso Billai highlighted the benefits of conducting simultaneous elections, stating that it would “check problems and open new vistas in conducting elections in India.”

He appealed to the youths to be agents of change.

Over 100 participants from eight districts are attending the two-day programme.

In East Siang district, the two-day district nodal round of the VBYP concluded at Jawaharlal Nehru College (JNC) in Pasighat on Saturday. The event was organised by JNC in association with its NSS cell and the district Nehru Yuva Kendra.

Ten participants who were selected during the district nodal round competition, will represent East Siang district in the state nodal round competition, scheduled to be held in Itanagar.