Reverse law of education

Flights Of Fantasy Many readers would agree that many things today are quite different and opposite to what things were a few decades back. There was...

May Day, May Day, May Day!

Flights Of Fantasy Named after the Greek goddess of fertility, Maia, the month of May marks the end of the spring season. The 1st of...

Budget wish list

Flights Of Fantasy The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has messed up the economy of the world, including India and Arunachal. The world economy went into recession...

Lucky Arunachalis

Flights Of Fantasy Many Arunachalis consider themselves extremely lucky. That is why many Arunachalis love to indulge heavily in lotteries, housies and dice/card games. In our...

Heroes of 1962 war in Arunachal: 2nd Lieutenant Ganga Bahadur Rawat

Flights Of Fantasy Many Arunachali old timers recall the 1962 Indo-Chinese conflict with fear and anger. The Chinese forces entered deep into Arunachal Pradesh along...

Health is an important factor in a child’s education

Editor, On one fine day, a health camp was organized in a government school. In that health camp, a student in class 9 was diagnosed...

Chandrayaan: Voyage to ‘Polo’

Flights Of Fantasy After a successful launch on 22 July, 2019, Chandra-yaan-2 is presently orbiting the moon and is planned to land the Vikram lander...

Covid-19: Post-lockdown recovery options

Flights Of Fantasy The nationwide lockdown has been extended by 19 more days up to 3 May. Worldwide, Covid-19 has infected more than 22 lakh...

Circle of electionomics

Flights Of Fantasy Democracy is defined by many as 'government for the people, government of the people, government by the people'. Democracy is benchmarked by...

Heroes of 1962 war in Arunachal: Hav Kaula Singh Thapa

Flights Of Fantasy Many Arunachalee old-timers recall the 1962 Sino-India conflict with fear and anger. The Chinese forces entered deep into Arunachal Pradesh along many...

Heroes of 1962 war in Arunachal: Subedar Jagandhoj Limbu

Flights Of Fantasy Many Arunachali old-timers recall the 1962 Sino-India conflict with fear and anger. The Chinese forces entered deep into Arunachal Pradesh along many...

Sino-India clash at Yangtse

Flights Of Fantasy Recently, a Sino-India conflict flared up with clashes in Yangtse area, located north of Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh. Though the news appeared...

Global warming and climate change

Flights Of Fantasy July 2023 was the hottest month ever recorded. The last decade has been the hottest decade ever recorded. Seven hottest years in...

Colossal election expenditure

Flights Of Fantasy Elections are on us with the upcoming simultaneous Lok Sabha and assembly polls in Arunachal Pradesh in the next few months. The...

F-16 & Mig-21 dogfight over Pakistan

Flights Of Fantasy India and Pakistan has fought three wars in 1948, 1965 and 1971. Both countries have been involved in escalatory armed conflicts during...

Industrial revolution in the NE

Flights Of Fantasy Northeast India and Arunachal Pradesh have a negligible number of industries compared to the rest of India. Since industrial production is minimal,...

Covid-19 is not so dangerous

Flights Of Fantasy Covid-19 has caused a sudden upheaval among humanity in just eight months. Covid-19 has spread to all corners of the world, infecting...

Adieu 2021

Flights Of Fantasy   With New Year 2022 approaching, the world bid farewell to 2021, maybe one of the worst years of our times after 2020...

Women Power

Flights Of Fantasy The recently conducted 5th National Family and Health Survey (NFHS) carried out by the government between 2019 and 2021 has revealed few...

Heroes of 1962 war in Arunachal: Wing Commander Arnold S Williams

Flights Of Fantasy Many Arunachali old-timers recall the 1962 Sino-India conflict with fear and anger. The Chinese forces entered deep into Arunachal Pradesh along many...