GNM graduates draw Health Min’s attention towards grievances

ITANAGAR, Jul 4: A group of the state’s General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) students, who recently graduated from various nursing institutes affiliated with the Karnataka Nursing Council, met Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Alo Libang on Wednesday and drew his attention towards the problems being faced by them due to non-compliance of the Nursing Registration & Tracking System (NRTS) by the Karnataka Nursing Council in accordance with the gazette notification of 7th May, 2019 issued by the Indian Nursing Council (INC).
The group also submitted a representation to the minister urging him to officially communicate with the government of Karnataka and with the INC and insist on them to issue directive for compliance of the gazette notification.
The nursing graduates have informed that there are over 200 students who graduated from various institutes in Karnataka, which are recognized by the Karnataka Nursing Council (KNC). However, some of the nursing institutes in Karnataka had not followed the online registrations of the graduated nursing students in NRTS, which is necessary for obtaining Nebraska Unique Identification (NUID) expected to be issued by the INC.
“Due to non-compliance of the online registration system by the KNC as per direction of the INC, we are now facing problem in getting registered in the Arunachal Pradesh Nursing Council (APNC),” they said.
The newly graduates also claimed to have approached the APNC on many occasions to get registered, but were allegedly denied registration.
“As such, without registration and enrolment of the APNC, we cannot apply for a job in any medical or health sector in Arunachal Pradesh as well as in any part of India, all because of irresponsible attitude of the Karnataka Nursing Institutes Authorities, being regulated by the KNC,” the nursing graduates stated, adding that whenever they approached the KNC regarding the issue, the authorities claimed that they have not received any notification from the INC for the registration of the nursing students.
The nursing graduates had also approached the INC for issuing of the NUID but were asked to place the said issue with KNC, whereas the said authority had already denied their request.
Expressing concern over the indifferent attitude of the INC and KNC towards their genuine grievance, the nursing graduates had sought the minister’s early intervention into the issue to resolve it in the larger interest of the nursing graduates as well as students studying in Karnataka.