Towards a new beginning: GBs of L/Subansiri villages attending basic English course

[ Bengia Ajum ]

ZIRO, 28 Mar: It is often said that there is no age limit for learning – and the gaon buras and gaon buris (GB) of Dutta, Mudang Tage and Bamin Michi villages in Lower Subansiri district are the best examples of it.

Under the banner of the Diibo Gaon Bura Buri Association, they have embarked upon a journey to learn basic English, and have been attending weekly classes since June 2022. Recently, they even wrote an examination to test their basic English.

This is an initiative of young GB Yachang Tacho, a former journalist, who started donning the hat of a GB from 2017 onwards.

“Majority of gaon buras and gaon buris are uneducated. There have been so many instances of people making them sign on papers about whose content they had no idea. Also, there have been many cases of people faking their signatures. To counter such a thing, I floated this idea of conducting basic English classes for them, and they also readily agreed,” said Tacho.

Initially, 27 GBs enrolled for the classes, but only 17 continued. “Two teachers, Dulley Yaring and Hano Usha, voluntarily conduct classes every Sunday from 2 to 4 pm at the government middle school in Tanyang Putu Diibo,” he said, adding that “out of the 17 GBs who are regularly attending classes, the majority can now write their names.”

Seeing the positive response of the GBs, Lower Subansiri Deputy Commissioner Bamin Nime provided them with study materials.

After witnessing the success of this initiative, now the GBs of nearby villages are also showing interest in joining the classes.

“I have received many enquiries in this regard. But, as the villages are located in far places, they cannot join us for the classes. However, just seeing their enthusiasm, we feel elated about our effort,” added Tacho.

Koj Taker, a GB from Dutta village, is the oldest in the class. He was appointed as a GB on 29 August, 1976. “The rest of them are also above 50 years and never went to proper schools,” informed Tacho.

He said that the classes will be continued, as long as the GBs keep on attending.