Absentee employees

Dear Editor,
Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to highlight trend of various Government offices, Pasighat.
Most of the head of departments in Pasighat function here on a non-daily basis. For most of them tend to operate from the capital itself owing to Pasighat’s proximity with a distance of four hours from Itanagar which makes them think it is okay to juggle shifts.
This results in their unavailability almost every time they are needed. This causes huge hindrance and grievances to the normal public as well as delay and time lapse in work for contractors and consultants involved with their departments. This is especially in the context of most engineering departments.
As the most common problem that is faced by the residents of this town is electricity issue as well as water supply, the former being more aggravating in nature. With the summer approaching, this is going to become only worst as it always is.
And with the head of departments concerned in such regard, being absent from station results in further delaying of such services to the public.
I would like to request these officers and officials of such departments to kindly refrain from such behaviour and be more functional in their duties and be based at the stations they are posted to rather than travelling from one place to another causing time delay and lapse in works for the public in general.
I would like to request the Deputy Commissioner Pasighat to look into this matter to infuse efficiency in department functioning.
A concerned
aggrieved citizen,