Conservation of natural resources

Dear Editor,
South East Asia is one of the richest biogeo-graphically and biodiverse parts of the world. Myanmar being located at the heart of South East Asia is one of the most significant biodiverse nation rich with virgin forests and spectacular wildlife. Unfortunately though in spite of the best efforts by the government agencies and non-government organizations, poaching is still continuing in various parts of the country unrestricted and unmonitored. The rich wildlife as well as major and minor forest products are being exploited and looted at an alarming rate depleting the precious natural resources. The silent and unseen presence of highly organized international poaching and wildlife trafficking groups both inside the country as well as highly sensitive and porous international border regions backed by illegal wildlife markets operating in different pockets of Asia is responsible for this serious depletion of wildlife and natural forests in addition to other anthropogenic factors like infringement into forested areas, illegal settlements around forest belts, infrastructural developments in forested areas without paying much attention to ecological sensitivity of the region as well as pollution and related reasons. Stringent monitoring and surveillance along with coordination between various departments will be essential in curbing poaching. The socio-economic conditions of the people living around fringe forest areas, forest inhabitants, tribal communities and remote settlements in sensitive border areas need to be improved for finding sustainable success in the conservation of natural resources.
Saikat Kumar Basu,